
der Frauenvereine Meilen

School regulations
1. Task
The language school of the women's associations Meilen (hereafter “the school”) offers language courses for adults.
2. Sponsorship
The school is politically and denominationally neutral and is offered on behalf of the three Meilemer women's clubs (Women's Club Bergmeilen, Women's Association Dorf- and Obermeilen and Women's Association Feldmeilen)
3. Organization
The school is run by an administrative management (hereafter “the administrator”), which is responsible for administrative and organisational matters. The administrator advises interested parties with regards to the offerings of the school.
4. Teaching staff
The teaching staff are employed by the administrator. The administrator ensures that the lessons provided by the school are led by suitably-qualified teachers.
5. Type and languages of tuition
The types and languages of the classes are defined by the advertised offer
6. Place of tuition
Classes are conducted in Meilen (and surrounding areas, if applicable).
7. School year
The calendar of the school begins after the public school system spring break and is usually comprised of 34-39 teaching weeks, spread over two semesters in accordance with the local holiday regulations (Schule Meilen - Ferienpläne). There are no lessons on public holidays, in accordance with Zurich law.
8. Semester
The summer semester is comprised of 16-18 teaching weeks and lasts from the end of April/beginning of May to the beginning of October.
The winter semester
 is comprised of 18-22 teaching weeks and lasts from the end of October to the end of March or mid-April.
9. Semester fees
The offers and semester fees are calculated on the basis of the number of lessons, the duration of each lesson and the number of participants (see www.fvmeilen.ch). In addition, once or twice a year there is a lump sum fee for copying costs- this depends on the type of teaching or use of material. Tuition is charged at the beginning of the semester and is payable within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.
10. Cancellation of lessons
Absence of teachers
Lessons cancelled by the teacher due to personal reasons will always be made up for as soon as possible. Absences of the teacher due to prolonged illness, accident, etc. will not be made up. The following regulation applies:
a) In the event of a foreseeable, longer absence of a teacher, the administrator shall, if possible, arrange for a substitute.
b) If a substitution is not possible, a pro rata credit or refund of the school fees for cancelled lessons will be made.
Absence of participants
If a participant is unable to attend the lesson, the teacher must be informed. In the case of llessons cancelled by participants due to personal reasons, there is no entitlement to a refund of the lesson or attendance of a catch-up lesson.
Reimbursement in exceptional cases (long-term illness or accident of a pupil) will be determined by the administrator. Applications for reimbursement must be submitted in writing to the administrator. A refund is generally credited to the next semester's school fees.
12. Applications
At the end of the semester, the participants will be asked whether they intend to attend classes again in the upcoming semester. This registration is binding. By registering, the participants agree to the school regulations.
New participants may start
 during the current semester at any time. Upon request, a free and non-binding trial lesson may be attended. Subsequently, the administrator and the teacher will be informed as to whether the student wished to continue attending the course.
13. Cancellations
The teaching contract with the school begins with the registration and lasts until the end of the respective semester. Deregistration during ongoing lessons must be sent in writing (by email is sufficient) to the administrator and the teacher. Reimbursement in exceptional cases (long-term illness or accident of a pupil) will be determined by the administrator. Applications for reimbursement must be submitted in writing to the administrator. A refund is generally credited to the next semester's school fees.
14. Exclusion of courses
The administrative management reserves the right to exclude participants from a course after sonsultation with the teacher and the representatives of the women's associations. In the following cases, the full course fee is owed, i.e. there will be neither a pro rata refund nor a waiver of the course fee: exclusion from the course due to non-payment of the course fee and in serious cases (defamation, harassment, deliberate damage to property, negative disruption of lessons, etc.)
15. Image and sound recordings as well as videos & online formats
By registering with the school, participants grant permission to use image and sound recordings for teaching purposes (e.g. exercise aids for home use or similar). This applies to image and sound recordings including videos and online formats created for teaching. Close-ups for the purpose of teaching may be taken and used, the provisions on online teaching also apply.
For image and sound recordings as well as videos and online formats, which the school would like to use for a possible publication in online and offline media for reporting and self-promotion, specific consents are obtained from the school.
16. Online Lessons
By registering at the school, participants give their consent for the school to provide lessons where objectively necessary (e.g. in the context of pandemic measures) instead of physically present in the form of distance learning via Internet-based video conferences (online lessons) and otherwise via video techniques. The administrator shall determine whether this is necessary. To protect the privacy of the participants, the provisions on image and sound recordings as well as videos apply.
17. Amendment of the school regulations
The administrator, together with the presidents of the three women's associations, is responsible for changing the school regulations. Changes can be made at any time. They will be communicated to the participants.
18. Coming into force
These school regulations were adopted by the administrative management and the presidents of the women's associations Bergmeilen, Dorf- and Obermeilen and Feldmeilen on 2 April 2021. They are valid from 1 May 2021.
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